Sunday, May 27, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

Here we are for another week of Scavenger Hunt Sunday. I had some difficulty with the prompts this week. So, here it goes. They are all SOOC because I am at my moms this holiday weekend and decided to put them on my blog here. It doesn't take near as long here. Hope you all have a safe and happy holiday weekend. May we all remember our veterans.

1. Beneath Your Feet

These are my babies feet. I must admit I love their tiny feet and the sundresses blowing in the breeze. Nothing like soft grass under foot.

2. Capturing Movement

My card got corrupted and I couldn't pull my original movement picture up. So I went out at my moms and captured the flags flying in the breeze. As it is Memorial Day weekend this seems to fit better anyway!

3. Texture

4. Face Your Fears

I think my greatest fear in life is failing as a mother. I hope I never let them down. I hope in the years to come I supply them with the love of God and the self confidence they need to soar. And soar they should they are both not only beautiful on the outside but also inside as well (which is way more important).

5. Currently

I won't mention the book I'm currently reading for it is not one I would normally but there was so much talk. I just wanted to see if it was as good as they say.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

My Godsons Prom

My Godsons' prom was this past Friday. His mom had asked me to take pictures for her. She didn't even bring her camera to the park. Talk about stress!! I hope I did you proud Miss. I had trouble picking out just a few of the ones I really liked. I know we have had our ups and downs thru out our friendship for reasons we do not need to go into. Hopefully they are all behind us. I rely on you more than you will ever know and I am very thankful you have put up with me. You always say how great a job I have done raising my girls. Let me tell you you should be extremely proud of the man he has become. I am honored that almost 17 years ago you chose me to be in his life. I can still remember seeing him for the first time. Wow, what an honor. I hope I have lived up to my promise to God and your family to be there for him.


,To my wonderful Godson. I hope you like your pictures. I had a blast taking your pictures and spending time with you. You have turned into quite a fine young man. I have told you this before but I will say it again, one day some girl will look at you and see all the fine qualities you have to offer. When she does she is going to become one of the luckiest girls on the planet. You have over come some pretty big circumstances in your young life time and I hope you continue on that path. Blazing full speed ahead. I wish you all the happiness in this world, all the love in this world and took keep that smile that only can come within. I love you and have from the moment I set eyes on you!

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Last Saturday our family took a short hike thru the woods to a waterfall I heard about from a friend. The girls had a blast walking thru the woods. That could not be said for me to a certain point. You see certain parts of the trail were pretty steep and others very close to the edge. I was right there ready to help or catch them if the fall. It is really good our God is like that also. If we get to close to that edge or stumble he is right there to help us if we need him. I find myself not always relying on him as I should. But I know he is there for me just like I was there for my girls. They wouldn't have needed to call out help me mom I would have just know. Thank God by the way they didn't need to call out to me! God Bless!

As you can see we made it safe and sound. On our little adventure together. I am thankful my girls have the love of nature that I do. Funny how they were more excited about all the rocks in the stream. It was fun to watch them stick them all in their pants to carry back home.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

Back for another week with Ashley, Yeah! Hopefully I can get all the pics uploaded and it will be two weeks in a row. We have dial up and it is so slow. Thanks to our telephone company we do not have dsl in the area. Needless to say it takes me forever to upload pics. I just walk away from computer and do cleaning. But enough about me and onto the pics.

                                                                    1. Sidewalk

There is an intersection near our home that has gone under some recent construction to put up a light in. In this sleepy little area. The church near the intersection had to have its wall moved back which was hand built when the church was built 100+ years ago. The new wall gives interest to the sidewalk.

                                                                      2. Inspiring

This pic is for my momma. How fitting it was a pick for mothers day.  My mother was diagnosised with breast cancer almost 6 years ago. She inspired me the whole way thru her chemo, radiation and then chemo again. She hardly missed work except for her appointments, I can not say that I would have been as strong as she.  I never once heard her complain or say a negative word. She doesn't like getting her picture taken so I choice this picture because it makes me think of her. One day I hope and pray that I can be half the mother my mother is to me. I love you momma to the moon and back.

                                                                       3. Time

I not only love our church inside but outside as well. This is the clock tower. Makes it easy to explain where it is.  It is the only one in our town with a clock.

                                                                        4. Close Up

We just got this cute little guy on Saturday. She was my Mothers day present. Her name is Curley Fry, can you tell my daughter named her.

5. With Mirror

We went to Indian Steps on Saturday and went to the tiny museum if you live nearby I would recommend going. We walked past this pond and immediately I thought of the prompt.

Hope you enjoyed and if you have a chance can you please leave me feedback. God Bless.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Today I read something that clearly made me glad to live in America. People were having a discussion about gay rights. After reading all the posts, I thought to myself we would not be able to have these discussions in most countries. I think most of us take this for grant, I know I have. It amazes me that I could say something nasty about the president (I would not do that) and that is ok because I live in America. In some countries they do not have this freedom. I can't even wrap my head around it. Along with the freedom is equal rights. I don't care who you are what you believe but we should all be equal and have the same rights. I am not saying I agree with certain beliefs but I am saying who are we to tell someone they don't have equal rights. I pray my children will grow up in a world where people do not judge, they love one another truly and the rights we have today to continue.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The other day while doing yard work I noticed my forsythia bush was split in the middle. When my hubby got home he helped me trim the forsythia bush. As we were getting ready to remove the limb we saw this nest. The mother robin needless to say was not very happy with us. I worried about the little eggs the rest of the evening because we unfortunately exposed the eggs from above. That momma bird continues to sit on the nest and watch out for her babies. I can not wait till they hatch and then am able to see them leave the nest. I must admit I feel this way about my own children at times. Especially on stressful days or when they are really not acting their best. And I hear that little voice saying pray for them. For as a mother there is no bigger gift or responsibility to your children then to pray and teach them the way. God bless.

Monday, May 7, 2012

I am so excited to once again join the scavenger hunt. It has been awhile since I have joined in the fun. So, here goes.

1. Shadow
Here is my pretty kitty Shadow. She does not like her pic taken. So, I bribed her with kitty treats. Bonus I also got her shadow from the flash in the background.
2. Keys
           I wanted to do piano keys but didn't think about it last weekend when I was at church. Played around with these old keys we have around the house. Not completely happy but not to bad. I found just recently I can take pics black and white right on my camera. I think I need to play around with it more.

3. Smile       
My babies always bring a smile to my face and usually have a smile on theirs. Love you both to the moon and back.
I little fern just emerging from the garden.

5. Fish

I went back in archives for this one. This is my oldest daughter with one of her first catches.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Simple blessings

I have been trying to find a dogwood to get a picture of recently. I had all but given up when I took the girls to the park. Off to the side of the baseball field was a small dogwood. I also got some really good pics of the girls were their blue eyes stand out so much.
If you look closely you can see the reminders of Gods love for us. Not only do I treasure that God pointed me in the right direction of the dogwood tree. But I am even more blessed he saw fit to give me two beautiful daughters to raise. God bless.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Just breathe

I had so much fun on Friday taking pics of these simple little mushrooms. I'm sure my mom and the people driving past her house had a laugh. Me on my belly getting as close as possible to these little guys. It has been so long since I pulled out my camera just because I wanted to take pictures. It felt great. I realize now that I need to take time for just me. I may be a wife, mother, nurse, friend and daughter but I can not do any of these well if I do not take time for me to just breathe and enjoy life. Blessings